
One Day Delay

Due to the Halloween craziness and some unruly lamp making I am granting myself the liberty of  having one more day for  my family room reveal.  Everything is completely done except for my lamps. Oh the lamps.  My first round in lamp making failed miserably and the second round was scrapped due to a mistake on my part (which I was very unhappy about since I rather liked the second ones).  I will be searching for new "lamps" tomorrow and am determined to find something.  If nothing comes up better than the second round, I may have to try and strip paint to salvage them.

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Tomorrow, Tomorrow

I wish you really were more than a day away.  So fitting since I'm rehearsing for Annie!  I've been waiting just for this day so I could reference the play, lol! Tomorrow will be my crazy scramble day!  I will have a quick trip to Target, and perhaps a few other places, in the morning and a Halloween giraffe that will very quickly be thrown together. Now, no more blogging...I'm off to make pillows!  

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Time to Cram

You may have noticed the lack of posts lately.  Well, mainly it's because I'm CRAMMING! There are so many things to do still and just a few days to get them done. We have decided to postpone my daughters birthday for yet another weekend since there just isn't any time to do it right now.  And as far as costumes go?  Yikes, I'm not even sure what to do about them yet.  I think I'll wait until next week to really think about it (nothing like waiting until the last second, eh). Yesterday was a great day as far as getting things done.

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Blood Candles and a Freaky-Fast Tablescape

While I was visiting family the last couple of days, my sister had been looking for black candles.  She had been unsuccessful in her endeavors so I suggested she do blood drip candles, inspired by Martha Stewart.  However she was more interested in classy Halloween decor instead of ghouly.  So her search continued. The next day when the search still produced no results she surprised me by buying some white candles and a red one to do blood candles!

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